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Give to New Visions Baptist Church

Welcome to New Visions Baptist Church's Giving Page!

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

Your generosity is a profound blessing, enabling our ministry to flourish and impact lives within our congregation and beyond. At New Visions, we firmly believe in stewardship and embracing opportunities to give back to our community as an expression of our faith.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to fostering spiritual growth, supporting our community, and maintaining a sanctuary for worship and fellowship. Your donations contribute not only to the regular maintenance of our ministry but also to various initiatives that extend our outreach to those in need.

Community Outreach Initiatives

  1. Back-to-School Supply Drive: As part of our commitment to the community, we run a back-to-school supply drive to support students in need. Your contributions ensure that these young minds are equipped for success.
  2. Building Repairs and Improvements: Currently, our immediate focus lies in essential repairs, including replacing the doors of our church and addressing other crucial building maintenance. Your generous donations will help us create a safe and welcoming space for worship and gatherings.

How Your Donations Make an Impact

Every contribution, regardless of size, goes a long way in strengthening our ministry and community outreach efforts. Your giving is a tangible expression of faith, allowing us to continue spreading God's love and making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Ways to Give


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Ways to Give In-Person:

In-Person Donations: You can also contribute during our worship services or by visiting our church office during office hours.

Your support matters and is sincerely appreciated. We thank you for your generosity and for being an essential part of New Visions Baptist Church's mission to serve and uplift others.

God bless you abundantly,

The New Visions Family